Thursday, August 30, 2018

Jerusalem 2018-2019

It is time to revive the blog. We are back to high-speed, unblocked Internet access. So, while I may do some back-blogging to try to fill in our family history, I hope to also post about this unexpected year back in Jerusalem. It was our first post 11 years ago, and although the city hasn't changed, we have! We're hoping the kids are able to take memories with them for a lifetime.

We thought we would be spending this "gap" year between our last Shanghai assignment and our next Shanghai assignment in Washington, D.C. But, when a one-year assignment to Jerusalem popped up on the "now" list, we jumped on it. They put us in a gorgeous apartment right downtown, walking distance to the Old City, Consulate and many other interesting places.

Jonathan is working in General Services for the Consulate. (Yes, we know the Embassy has been moved here, but there is still a consulate, as well. It's messy.) The kids are all in school, and I am blissfully taking each day as it comes. Come visit! I'll show you around.