Saturday, July 20, 2013

San Jose

This was our 10th roommate reunion since we graduated from BYU!  I love these gals. This time we spent the weekend in the San Jose area: at the beach, shopping at Santana Row and roaming Los Gatos.  We worked in some chick flicks and Shakespeare plays, too. These are inspiring women, and I'm so grateful we have stayed a part of each other's lives. L-R Lindsay, Stacey, Kellie, me and Mamie

Saturday, July 13, 2013


This is the summer of reunions. We drove up to Boise, stopping at Shoshone Falls, and I got to spend the weekend with two high school friends, Carrie (on the left) and Jeneanne (on the far right), and a college roommate Sarah (in red). We really haven't changed a bit and spent a joyful evening doubled over in laughs and sharing tears.

Monday, July 8, 2013


While J is in training, he can't take vacation, so he had quite a bit stored up that we needed to use before we head to Taipei. After packing out in D.C., we decided to spend the month in Utah. We both have some family here and friends we haven't seen in a while. I feel like the kids are getting a "real" summer with road trips, swimming pools, running around in backyards, summer reading program at the library and Otter Pops, of course.  See more photos by clicking on the Photo Gallery above.

Friday, July 5, 2013


Since we decided to drive from D.C. to Utah this summer, we had to break up the trip. We stopped at my parents' in IN for two days and then in Bentonville, AR to see J's sister's family. Without Wal-Mart's presence, we're not sure it would be on the map, but with Wal-Mart, it boasts an amazing American art museum, a cute town square and beautiful trails. The highlight was the 3rd of July when the local (meaning neighborhood) fireworks display rivaled many municipal shows, followed on the 4th by personal fireworks shows, almost equally impressive. We loved catching up with Kim & Brian and spent lots of quality cousin time. See more photos by clicking on the Photo Gallery above.